We Are All Mothers

7:02 PM

6 months ago, I had a miscarriage.

Mother's Day is tomorrow and all I can think about is how in one month, my baby should be due and in my arms. I should be looking at my bulging belly, annoyed by my swelling feet and lack of ability to breathe. I should be feeling that little life kick around inside of me, smiling and wincing at the miracle and the pain.

But instead, this Mother's Day, I am left with an empty womb and a healing heart. Not many knew about our pregnancy and the loss of our little one.

My baby may not be physically here with me this day, but I will still be celebrating Mother's Day in my own right. I am a mother. My baby is just waiting for me in heaven as opposed to me waiting for her arrival on earth.

I look forward to the day that I get pregnant again and have the opportunity and blessing to carry that child to term. I look forward to the day I hold my babies in my arms rather than my heart. This Mother's Day though, I'll visit my baby's grave and press my hands to the cold rocks she lies under. I'll tell her how much I love her and pray we'll be blessed with another baby soon.

If you've ever experienced a miscarriage, still birth or loss of an infant, just know, you are a mother.

We are all mothers.

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